
2025 International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (ISoIRS 2025) will take place in Chengdu, China during June 13-15, 2025, which is technically co-sponsored by IEEE and IEEE Chengdu Section, and organized by University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry and Tongji University, and hosted by School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, and co-organized by Huazhong University of Science and Technology. 

This conference will bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars in the field to share their research results and experiences in intelligent robotics and systems. Robots have been developed through the integration of multiple disciplines, including electrical and mechanical engineering, computer science, and control engineering. Robots can be used in various settings, such as dangerous environments, manufacturing processes, and where humans cannot survive. The field of robotics is rapidly expanding and has the potential to revolutionize medicine through the development of nanorobots. The rapid development of intelligent robotics and systems make it more necessary for experts working in this field to gather together for more collaborations and possibilities.

Hope all participants a wonderful journey experience in the series of conference sessions at ISoIRS 2025.

Technically Co-Sponsored By


Submission | 投稿指南

ISoIRS 2025 will only consider submissions of original and previously unpublished papers. Please note that submitted papers must not substantially overlap with papers that have already been published or are currently under review for publication in a journal or conference proceedings. Please note that if you plan to submit a full paper for publication, there is no need to submit an abstract first. You can submit the full paper directly once it is completed. Please kindly note the key dates and ensure that you start your submission on time.

Create your submission through the online submission systemISoIRS 2025 Submission System. (Please try to use Google Chrome if you encounter any issues during your submission or registering process. You may also contact us at 028-85575979 for any assistance.)

It is important that all papers submitted to the conference follow the required paper format. For detailed information about the formatting requirements, please download the templates from the following link:


Recommended Journals | 推荐期刊

The extended versions of selected excellent papers will be recommended to be submitted for publication in International Journal of Humanoid Robotics (ISSN (online): 1793-6942), which will send to be reviewed and indexed by major citation databases such as SCIE, Ei Compendex, Scopus, CPCI, DBLP, etc.

Selected excellent papers with a significant extension will be further recommended to be published on the following SCI, SCIE and EI journals after an additional review process:

  Finite Elements in Analysis and Design (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q3; ISSN: 1872-6925, IF: 3.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

  Computational Mechanics (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q2; ISSN: 1432-0924, IF: 4.1; indexed in SCI, EI and Scopus)

  Journal of Vibration and Control (Chinese Academy of Sciences Q3; ISSN: 1077-5463, IF: 2.8; indexed in SCIE and EI)

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▷ ISoIRS 2024

▷ ISoIRS 2024

ISoIRS 2023 ◁

ISoIRS 2023 ◁

Publication History | 出版历史


ISoIRS 2024 | indexed by Ei Compendex  & Scopus

ISBN: 979-8-3503-6479-8

Published by Conference Publishing Services

ISoIRS 2023 | indexed by Ei Compendex  & Scopus

ISBN: 979-8-3503-3996-3

Published by Conference Publishing Services

ISoIRS 2022 | indexed by Ei Compendex  & Scopus

ISBN: 978-1-6654-5521-3

Published by Conference Publishing Services

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Latest News | 会议新闻

[2024-11-12] ISoIRS 2025 is listed on IEEE Conference List! (link

[2024-09-26] We are pleased to announce that all accepted papers of ISoIRS 2024 have been indexed by Ei Compendex  and Scopus.

[2024-08-31] The conference proceedings of ISoIRS 2024 has been published by IEEE CPS (ISBN: 979-8-3503-6479-8).

[2024-07-15] ISoIRS 2025 is now accepting manuscript submissions. Prospective authors are invited to submit their draft paper to electronic contribution system

[2024-06-18] The 2024 4th International Symposium on Intelligent Robotics and Systems (ISoIRS 2024)  was successfully held  in Changsha, China during June 14-16, 2024.

[2024-02-01] Welcome Associate Professor Longchuan Li as Session Chair of ISoIRS 2024.

[2023-12-28] We are honored to invite Prof. Hong Zhang from Southern University of Science and Technology, China to give us a keynote speech! He is a IEEE Fellow.

Special Session  |  专题分会

Special Session Ⅰ: Embodied Intelligence in Robot Locomotion

Session Chair: Associate Professor Longchuan Li——Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China

Special Session Ⅱ: Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) in Intelligent Robotics and Systems

Session Chair: Associate Professor Haipeng Wang——Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Special Session Ⅲ: Autonomous Navigation

Session Chair: Professor Zheng Fang——Northeastern University, China

Special Session Ⅳ: Visual Intelligence in Robot Localization

Session Chair: Associate Professor Huaidong Zhang——South China University of Technology, China

Special Session Ⅴ: Unmanned Systems and Artificial Intelligence

Session Chair: Professor Xiaoru Song——Xi'an Technological University, China

Special Session Ⅵ: Dexterous Hands and Embodied Intelligence

Session Chairs: Professor Han Yuan——Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Associate Professor Haoqi Peng——Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen, China

Special Session Ⅶ: Swarm Intelligence Algorithms and Their Applications

Session Chairs: Professor Rui Wang——National University of Defense Technology, China

Dr. Wenhua Li——National University of Defense Technology, China

Associate Professor Kaiwen Li——National University of Defense Technology, China

Dr. Shuijia Li——National University of Defense Technology, China